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The distance between Huelva and Quinta do Lago is about 121 km. The duration of the  route is about 1 hour and 25 minutes with an approximate taxi price of 149.11€.


Book taxi de Huelva a Quinta do lago

How much does a taxi from Huelva to Quinta do lago cost?

.The taxi ride from Huelva to Quinta do lago is 149.11€ in rate 1. The distance between Huelva and Quinta do lago is about 121 km km with an approximate price of 246.3€ in rate 2.

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How to book a taxi from Huelva to Quinta do lago?

We are a professional team of taxi drivers from Huelva who offer family and executive transfers to Quinta do lago. We are available 24/7. You can contact us by phone, email or WhatsApp, this is your choice. We also have safety seats for babies.

Book a taxi transfer from Huelva to Quinta do lago

Distance and price of a taxi transfer from Huelva to Quinta do lago

The distance between Huelva and Quinta do lago is about 121 km km. The duration of the route is about 1h 25 min with an approximate taxi price of 149.11€

Taxi Huelva - Quinta do lago

Our Huelva VIP taxi fleet offers you taxi transfers from the city of Huelva to Quinta do lago. The shortest road route from Huelva to Quinta do lago is along A-49 highway. The distance between Huelva and Faro is about 121 km km. The duration of the route is about 2 hours and 18 minutes with an approximate taxi price of 149.11€.

The only thing we have to do to book a taxi transfer from Huelva to the Airport of Faro is to call +34 959610900 or +34 685 125 099 (WhatsApp) and our operator will quickly advise you on how to do it. You can also book it from our enabled area via email. We have a taxi price calculator to fix the price of transfers. With our simple system you will be able to know the exact price from any town in Huelva to Faro Airport and vice versa.

Book a taxi transfer from Huelva to the Airport of Faro.

The only thing we have to do to book a taxi transfer from Huelva to Quinta do lago is to call +34 959610900 or +34 685 125 099 (WhatsApp) and our operator will fix your booking. You can also do it by sending us an email - info@taxihuelvavip.com

Taxi transfer is one more link in your long-awaited holidays. Once you have booked your vacation package, don’t hesitate to book your taxi transfer with taxihuelvavip.com before travelling and your taxi will be waiting for you and your family at the Renfe station of Huelva for your transfer to Quinta do lago. You will know at all times the taxi driver who is going to pick you up, the meeting point where he will receive you and the vehicle in which you’re going to travel according to your needs. We will communicate you all the details through WhatsApp and you’ll have direct contact with your driver in case of any questions or doubts that may arise upon the arrival of your train. The only thing we have to do to book a taxi transfer from Huelva to Albufeira is to call +34 959610900 or +34 685 125 099 (WhatsApp) and our operator will fix your booking. You can also do it by sending us an email - info@taxihuelvavip.com

Once you have booked your reservation, call us and we will book your taxi transfer from Huelva to Quinta do lago so that one of our professionals will be waiting for you upon your arrival at the bus station (DAMAS) in Huelva to pick you up to Quinta do lago. Remember that once your stay in the town is over, we could carry out the route in reverse. Its amount would be the same as on the way out.

Book a taxi at Huelva to Quinta do lago

Taxi rates in Huelva

Information about rates Rate Flag loweringFlag Price Waiting timeTime
It applies from Monday to Friday from 6.00 am to 21:00 pm. 1 1.49 € 0.77 € Km 20.11 €
It applies from Monday to Friday from 21:00 pm to 6:00 am. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 24 hours. 2 1.73 € 0.97 € por Km 24.11 €
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Other destinations and prices

From To Fixed price Book
Huelva Seville 130.00€
Huelva Santa Justa 120.50€
Huelva Málaga 390.00€
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What should you know about the city of Huelva?

Huelva is a port city in the southwest of Spain where the Odiel and Tinto rivers flow. Towards the north of the central area you can find the chapel of the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Cinta, from the 15th century and is characterized by its white facades. In the Museum of Huelva, you can find a wide collection of archaeological pieces worth knowing and admiring. The city’s cathedral presents a beautiful facade in the Baroque style. As well, you can visit “Plaza de las Monjas” where you can find some sumptuous palm trees and the statue of the explorer Christopher Columbus. Huelva is a city to remember with unforgettable places full of story and beauty. The city has a population of 545.576 and covers an area of 154,3 square km and has an elevation of 54 meters. If you follow our advice, our city will assure you a trip to remember. We are pleased to help you on your travels where and when necessary.

Los hoteles de 3 estrellas tienen un precio medio de 66 €
¿Cuanto cuesta un taxi desde Huelva a Quinta do lago?

Taxi Huelva Vip offers you taxis of 5, 6, 7 and up to 8 seats in Huelva for your airport transfers and long journeys. There are many occasions in which a 4-seater taxi is too small to move, either due to the number of passengers or the amount of luggage. We are specialists in making transfers from / to the Airports of Seville, Faro, Lisbon, Malaga and Jerez de la Frontera, as well as the different train stations of Huelva and Santa Justa in Seville. Enjoy your vacations on the Costa de la Luz without worrying about travelling. You will only have to contact us and we will close your booking from 1 to 8 places according to your needs.

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